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Data Model Editor - Entities page

This page describes entities participating in the data model and their attributes.

Entities are intended to hide data storage details from the end user. Instead of operating with tables, views and fields (such as Orders.CustNo, Customers.Addr1) user see some entities from real world (Order, Customer, Vendor, etc.) and their attributes (Customer Name, Order Ship Date, Vendor Country, etc.).

For large data models entities can be organized in hierarhy for more easy manipulation.

There are two main types of entity attributes:

Entities tree holds list of all defined entities and their attributes.

Main operations

The attribute's property editor has General, Operators and Value Editors tabs described below.

General tab

This tab contains the following input field and checkboxes:

Operators tab

This tab holds list of all operations applicable to the attribute. Add or remove operations by corresponding buttons. Use Clear button to remove all operators from the list.

Use Defaults button to reset the list of operators for selected attribute to default state. The default operator list contains most appropriate operators for attribute's data type.

See Operators page for details about operators used in data models.

Value Editors tab

This tab allows to define how user will edit the parameters which the selected attribute is compared to in query conditions. To learn more about available editors see Value Editors topic. To specify editor parameters click on “Settings…” button.