Contains several functions which help initilize and manage EasyQuery widgets and simplify the communications with server-side code.
an URL (absolute or relative) to the back-end service or controller which implements basic EasyQuery actions
the name of the data model which will be automatically during initialization;
A map of different options for ColumnsPanel widget.
EQ.client.init({ serviceUrl: "EQService.asmx", modelName: "nwind", columnsPanel: { allowAggrColumns: true, attrElementFormat: "{attr}", showColumnCaptions: false }, queryPanel: { listRequestHandler: onListRequest } });
The name of data model to load.
A function that is called before BuildQuery request call.
The name of query to load.
A function that is called on successfull query build. Loaded query is passed in function parameter
A function that is called before BuildQuery request call.
An object that represents query to save.
The name of the query
A function that is called on successfull query saving.
A function that is called before SaveQuery request call.
An object that represents query to build.
A string that represents extra parameters which are added to the request
A function that is called on successfull query build. This function takes one parameter which contains genereated statement in “statement” property or the error message in “error” property if some problem occurred during query building process.
A function that is called before BuildQuery request call.
An object that represents query to build and execute.
A string that represents extra parameters which are added to the request
A function that is called on successfull query build. This function takes one parameter “data” - a plain object which contains genereated statement in its “statement” property and the result of query execution in “resultSet” property.
A function that is called before BuildQuery request call.